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Parental & Community InvolvementTop of Page

Parents are an important part of a child's education and are our students first teachers. Johnstonville has many opportunities for parents and community members to serve the school as classroom volunteers and mentor readers.  Parents are asked to work together in order to provide academic, social, and emotional opportunities for all students. Parents can also be elected by their peers for membership on the School Site Council.  School Site Council meets quarterly and works to improve the instructional program through data analysis including the implementation of the school's Single Plan for Student Achievement and the Local Control Accountability Plan.  Johnstonville Elementary School also has an active Parent, Teacher, Student Association. 

Campus SafetyTop of Page

We have updated our technology systems, to better assist our students and staff with their educational goals. These tools provide access to properly assess where students need assistance which will allow our students the ability to excel.  The campus has a fully equipped computer lab, a mini computer lab and each student is assigned their own Chromebook for each year.  Our campus has an up to date security system to provide maximum safety and security for our staff and students. These innovations include state of the art security cameras and campus wide PA systems.