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Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) outlines the strategies that Johnstonville School will use to help students succeed. In addition, the LCAP includes methods to measure the plan's effectiveness. Finally, the LCAP explains how to direct resources to achieve the identified goals laid out in the plan.
Your voice and your ideas are needed to make these plans as effective as possible. Johnstonville Elementary School is our school. Whether you are a parent, student, staff, or a community member, your knowledge is necessary to determine the best ways to help our students succeed. Your input will make sure the LCAP will direct funds where they are needed the most.
California has identified eight priorities that all schools must address in their LCAP. These priorities are:
  • Basic Services
  • Implementation of State Standards
  • Parental Involvement
  • Pupil Achievement
  • Pupil Engagement
  • School Climate
  • Course Access
  • Other Pupil Outcomes
We will identify ways to address these priorities through the LCAP process.

2021-24 LCAP

Stakeholders will be able to get involved in the development of the 2021-24 LCAP through our LCAP survey, our public meetings which are posted below, and the School Site Council/District Advisory Committee meetings. The public will be encouraged to submit written comments regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the LCAP or annual update at

Johnstonville Elementary School LCAP Stakeholder Engagement Meetings

Meeting dates for parents, students, teachers, staff, and community stakeholders:

School Site Council/District Advisory Committee

Current LCAP